One of the biggest social justices in the diversity in which
a classroom operates. It is clear that the
textbooks used come from the dominant culture and are geared towards that
view. I remember myself being in school
and we were never taught about anything other than what Columbus founded, and
what it meant to be a part of a war.
What about the fact that are classrooms are now so diverse, with
students that come from all over the world?
Shouldn’t we feel the need the desire to offer these students the same
views they would receive in their own “home”?

It is important to include every student in learning about
the diversity of the world, and the different cultures that they will come
across. One student shouldn’t feel as if
they are left out because their nationality is different and have to learn that
Columbus founded America. It is true as
we read in the article, the Native Americans were in America first, they “founded”
it not the Europeans. I believe it is
important for students to see both sides of all the history we have to teach.

Students should feel encouraged to explore other cultures
and that starts in the classroom.
Teachers have the opportunity to provide different forms of education
and there are so many resources out there, especially now with the internet
that teachers can acquire materials they need in order to teach that there isn’t
only one side to thing and to include every student in the classroom so that no
one feels left behind.
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