Why should we teach and what can be done to develop
a more educational education system?
Teaching is important in all aspects of life, from
learning how to walk to learning calculus.
Not only does teaching teach people about life skills, but about
subjects they might not otherwise learn about, such as math, chemistry, or how
to write an English paper. Teaching
children helps us to develop our own futures by knowing that whatever we choose
to teach these children will carry out throughout their whole lives and these
children are in fact our own future. It
is possible that your student could be the next president of the USA.
One teaches to put it all out on the table, giving
every student the skills they need and the knowledge they should have about not
only how this world came about, but how to live in it. One should teach for the mere satisfaction of
that “ah-ha” moment when you know that what you just said really got them
thinking and understanding the world that surround them.
“Teaching encompasses many of our most important values,
achievement, compassion, creativity, duty, excellence, growth, imagination,
joy, justice, kindness, knowledge, leadership, perseverance, teamwork, courage,
vision, warmth, and celebration of life” (CalTech News).
Know we know our education system isn’t yet as grand
as it may seem to the naked eye. Our
system is failing coming in at position number 25. It’s hard to believe since we are considered
one of the most amazing nation’s in the world.
But one way to fix this is to improve the education in which our very
own teachers are taught. They need more
classroom hours themselves, they need to be taught by teachers who are willing
to show them the way, how to get through to students, and how to be the best
that they can be.
Teachers need our support as they work so much for
so little and they need to feel good and compensated, otherwise it can affect
how they perform in a classroom because no matter how dedicated they are to the
students they feel undervalued and even devalued by the system itself. Teachers need other educators help to succeed
and not just be a teacher, but to be a TEACHER.
“In South Korea,
teachers are known as ‘nation builders,’ and I think it’s time we treated our
teachers with the same level of respect,” Mr. Obama said in a speech on
education on Monday.